
We're excited to see who can make it out to celebrate with us, and we also wanted to create a digital space for our guests to coordinate lodging and transportation with each other. If you are looking to catch a ride from Spokane to Coeur d'Alene, or have extra space in your vehicle, or are looking for folks to camp with or rent a condo with, this is a good place to let that be known! Comments enabled below.

1 comment:

  1. Hey all! Ayrel and I will probably drive up to Coeur D'Alene from what is likely to be our new home in Salt Lake City, but we're interested in renting a house to share. Not only will it be cheaper (and nicer) than a hotel, it seems like a lot more fun.

    I found a bunch on - and already emailed some of you about this - so let me know who's down!

